Deep Moisture                                  Start

Portable Microwave Moisture Meter MK30R

This is our newest meter for measuring deep moisture in materials. MK30R is the best  portable moisture meter available. It has the greatest number of features, is very handy and sturdy and is simple to use. It can measure both running webs of paper, textiles and other fibre materials. It is designed to measuring reels, both running and static for obtaining the cross profile and for pinpointing in troubleshooting. Meter's data can both be saved in the meter and wirelessly transferred to a laptop for archiving and further analysis and reporting.

- a new portable meter for field conditions especially for thick materials

- absolute state of the art in portable moisture meters for thick materials but works just as fine for thin papers

- this meter has a wealth of applications - every paper and pulp engineer will need one!


Check the new models in the Specifications section

     Brochure in English





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